Who We Are

We are a group of people who believe that modern wood heat, using locally produced wood fuel, is a smart climate, environmental and economic choice for Massachusetts people to heat their buildings.

We are part of the Massachusetts Forest Alliance, whose mission is to, on behalf of its members, advocate for a strong, sustainable forest economy, responsible forest management, private land equity, and the preservation of working forests on private and public lands.

Mass Wood Heat represents over a dozen providers of biomass boiler wood heating systems. These businesses are around important parts of our regional economy, supplying homeowners and businesses with sustainable, cost-efficient wood heating. Not only are they highly skilled and knowledgeable in modern wood heating technology and practices, but they’re also our friends and neighbors — community members from Massachusetts, New England, and nearby states. Learn more about our industry experts.

Our Purpose

The Massachusetts Forest Alliance exists to create mutually beneficial economic resources, both for you and wood industry workers in our region.

Meanwhile, this work promotes environmental benefits for forests throughout New England and surrounding regions. Wood heating products are principally made from logging residues (byproducts that would otherwise go to waste) and brush clearings (whose control helps to prevent forest fires). By and large, they don’t cut down more trees for wood heat; they create added value from the lumber already produced.

By adding value to our forests, we also help keep them designated as forests, which protects them from being developed.

With state and federal incentives, financing options, and cost efficiencies around wood heating — you’re helping another important part of our regional economy and community: you

People worldwide have heated with wood for thousands of years. New Englanders are no exception and have long depended on native forests to provide wood for warmth. But set aside old images of the inefficient fireplace and smoking wood stove. New technology has made wood-burning appliances a truly modern way to use this traditional fuel.

Modern wood heat uses proven technologies to provide the most heat while minimizing emissions and smoke. Locally grown wood fuel creates jobs and keeps energy dollars flowing through our local economy. Using wood helps diversify energy supply and reduces dependence on fossil fuels while being kind to the climate. At the same time, steady markets for low-grade wood are helpful in improving the quality and value of our woodlands, an integral part of sustainable forest management.

This site is maintained by the Massachusetts Statewide Wood Energy Team (MA SWET), which works to promote modern wood heat in Massachusetts. MA SWET is a program of the Massachusetts Forest Alliance, and was funded by a grant from the USDA Forest Service.

The work upon which this project is based was funded in whole or in part through a grant awarded by the Wood Education and Resource Center, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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